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The last couple of years Sudimara has sold over 30,000 Solar Home Systems in Indonesia. The company employs over 200 people, most of whom work in the 50 regional service-centers. Each such service-center covers between 5000 and 15,000 households.

Sudimara installs a 50 Watt SHS for, at the moment of writing, 130 USD, with 5 lamps, a year's service and, on demand, a loan for 2/3 of the amount.

Also before the present monetary woes befell Indonesia,  the Sudimara SHS carried an affordable price due to the fact that: only the laminates are imported, the rest of the high quality system was manufactured and assembled at the factory in           Sukabumi. The company's aim has always been to keep the downpayment reasonable as well as to provide, on request, pay- back terms to up to 48 months. The montly installments were around 10 USD and word of mouth PR did the rest. Service center's teams get a fixed bonus if all clients have paid on time.   

Recently the entire product range was redesigned from scratch. The old model's centerpiece was a wall box. The new model integrates a TV table with a box for the battery, switches and a system display. Three new model lamps are now available, ranging from the 1,5 W Lampu Lita to the 10 W TL lamp. Both 12- and 220 volt models are available.







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